2000 acres arable, variable, from light sand to heavy clay, Northamptonshire
Northamptonshire farmer still reaping the benefits of Claydon-drilling a decade on.
Until 2009 Northamptonshire farmer, Toby Saunders, used traditional plough-based and min-till methods to establish combinable crops, but they were slow, expensive and inefficient. Since adopting the Claydon Opti-Till® System in 2009, Mr Saunders has never looked back − it has
transformed the way he farms.
“The amount of time, fuel and expense involved in establishing crops before we changed to the Claydon System was just ridiculous,” Toby Saunders states. “We were operating a full cultivation system based around ploughing, but it was slow, costly, overworked the soil and produced inconsistent crop development under certain conditions. Establishment costs are such a major part of our overall production costs that we had to find a cheaper, more efficient method.