The M4RF rigid 4m Evolution drill is dual metering with a hopper capacity of 2,500 litres for seed only and a 50:50 split for seed and fertiliser.   Choose to deliver fertiliser below the seed (front leading tine), above the seed (seeding share or “LD” low disturbance twin tine) or split between the two locations.  The M4RF comes with a full range of rear toolbar and seeding set-up options. GPS speed sensing, electronic metering and a 4 channel drill computer are fitted as standard.  The recommended minimum power requirement is 200 hp.

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  • Simple, solid design
  • Longlife tungsten carbide leading tines
  • Exact seed placement (wheels run on undisturbed ground)
  • Self levelling chassis grades soil and follows contours
  • Hydraulically controlled front disc toolbar option
  • Hydraulic/shim seed depth adjustment
  • Larger hopper to reduce downtime and increase output
  • 90 litre hopper option with venturi, toolbar or inter-row distribution
  • Quick-fit interchangeable seeding kits

Reduce costs

  • Unnecessary cultivations eliminated
  • Large fuel savings
  • Low running costs: minimal wearing
    and moving parts (under £2 per acre)
  • Low horsepower requirement and fuel use –
    approx. 50 hp/m
  • Rear toolbar dampening reduces
    component fatigue and improves
    transport comfort
  • Approx 1/3 cost of ploughing and ½
    cost of min-till

User friendly

  • Easy access, intuitive calibration
  • Easy-access toolbox incorporated into step frame
  • Quick change between different
    seeding set-ups
  • Highly manoeuvrable

Save time

  • Unncessary cultivations eliminated
  • Minimal, quick-fit wearing parts
  • Larger hopper to reduce downtime and increase output
  • Establishment time required approx 1/5 that of ploughing and
    ½ that of min-till


M4RF Evolution

Small seeds

Medium seeds

Large seeds


Model Evolution M4RF
Daily output*: 30 ha
Minimum power requirement*: 200 hp
Road transport width: 3.92 m
Weight: 2,400 kg
Height: 2.63 m
Depth: 4.05 m
Hopper capacity: 2,500 l
Seeding tines: 13
Seed : fertiliser split: 50 /50
Linkage: CAT3/CAT4N
* typical / suggested
Standard fit Evolution M4RF
Leading tine & 180mm A shares: Standard
Double rear toolbar
(metal levelling boards & harrows):
Hydraulic fan: Standard
Artemis metering control: Standard
Tramlining: Standard
Road lights: Standard
Optional fit Evolution M4RF
GPS variable seed rate: Optional
Pre-emergence markers: Optional
Marker arms: Optional
Hydraulically controlled front disc toolbar: Optional
Stone protection: Optional
Low disturbance kit: Optional
Blockage sensors (seed & fertiliser): Optional
Vision kit (work lights and camera): Optional
Micro granular applicator: Optional
ISOBUS compatible: Optional
Wheel scrapers: Optional
Fertiliser placement above seed or below: Optional



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