The 3m Evolution fertiliser drill is dual metering with a hopper capacity of 2,500 litres for seed only and a 50:50 to apply fertiliser at the same time as drilling, either above seed or below it. The M3F comes with a full range of rear toolbar and seeding set-up options. The leading tine can also be swapped for the “LD” lower disturbance set-up. A drawbar and front toolbar may be fitted to transform into a trailed drill.  GPS speed sensing and a 4-channel drill computer come fitted as standard. The M3F has a recommended minimum power requirement of 150 hp.

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  • Simple, solid design
  • Longlife tungsten carbide leading tines
  • Exact seed placement (wheels run on undisturbed ground)
  • Self levelling chassis grades soil and follows contours
  • Hydraulically controlled front disc toolbar option
  • Hydraulic/shim seed depth adjustment
  • Larger hopper to reduce downtime and increase output
  • 90 litre hopper option with venturi, toolbar or inter-row distribution
  • Quick-fit interchangeable seeding kits

Reduce costs

  • Unnecessary cultivations eliminated
  • Large fuel savings
  • Low running costs: minimal wearing
    and moving parts (under £2 per acre)
  • Low horsepower requirement and fuel use –
    approx. 50 hp/m
  • Rear toolbar dampening reduces
    component fatigue and improves
    transport comfort
  • Approx 1/3 cost of ploughing and ½
    cost of min-till

User friendly

  • Easy access, intuitive calibration
  • Easy-access toolbox incorporated into step frame
  • Quick change between different
    seeding set-ups
  • Highly manoeuvrable

Save time

  • Unncessary cultivations eliminated
  • Minimal, quick-fit wearing parts
  • Larger hopper to reduce downtime and increase output
  • Establishment time required approx 1/5 that of ploughing and
    ½ that of min-till


M3F Evolution

Small seeds

Medium seeds

Large seeds


Model Evolution M3F
Daily output*: 20 ha
Minimum power requirement*: 150 hp
Road transport width: 3.00 m
Weight: 2,260 kg
Height: 2.63 m
Depth: 4.05 m
Hopper capacity: 2,500 l
Seeding tines: 9
Seed : fertiliser split: 50 : 50
Linkage: CAT3/CAT4N
* typical / suggested
Standard fit Evolution M3F
Leading tine & 180mm A shares: Standard
Double rear toolbar
(metal levelling boards & harrows):
Hydraulic fan: Standard
Artemis metering control: Standard
Tramlining: Standard
Road lights: Standard
Optional fit Evolution M3F
GPS variable seed rate: Optional
Pre-emergence markers: Optional
Marker arms: Optional
Hydraulically controlled front disc toolbar: Optional
Stone protection: Optional
Low disturbance kit: Optional
Blockage sensors (seed & fertiliser): Optional
Vision kit (work lights and camera): Optional
Micro granular applicator: Optional
ISOBUS compatible: Optional
Wheel scrapers: Optional
Fertiliser placement above seed or below: Optional



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