9m Straw Harrow

The new Claydon 9m Straw Harrow bridges the gap between the 7.5m mounted and the 12.5m trailed model. It allows flexibility for larger farms without the higher cost of a trailed unit.  The mounted 9m Straw Harrow is a versatile stubble management and weed control tool which delivers high output at low operating costs.

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  • Change the working angle to suit field conditions to ensure optimum tilth is achieved
  • Quickly ease off pressure in wet or green trashy areas to avoid blockages
  • Unique Claydon ‘wrap around’ design means the tines have no pressure points to snap
  • Claydon ‘wrap around’ design allows forwards speeds of up to 25kph
  • Turn on the headlands with the tines down in work to avoid trash build up; they won’t snap!
  • The ‘wrap around’ design allows the tines to vibrate and create optimum tilth
  • Claydon Straw Harrows are built to last. Their frame is designed to handle very high working speeds
  • Huge clearance created by 5 rows makes blockages unlikely
  • 75 vibrating tines engage the ground every 60mm ensuring the whole field is worked
  • All Claydon Straw Harrows fold down to under 3m for road transport
  • Lightboards and protection guards are fitted a standard


Model 9m Straw Harrow
Hourly output (at 20 km/h)(ha):* 12
Minimum power requirement (hp):* 180
Forward speed (km/h):* 15-25
Fuel usage (l/ha)*: 2
Road transport width (m): 2.99
Road transport height (m): 3.55
Weight (kg): 1,850
Pairs of 14mm tines (16mm optional): 75
Lightboards and protection guards:
Tractor linkage: CAT 3 mounted
*typical / suggested

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