Fantastic prize in our 40th Anniversary Prize Draw!

It was back in July 1981 that Jeffrey Claydon set up Claydon Yield-o-Meter Ltd. The company was set up to manufacture and market a yield monitoring device he had invented the previous year. The Yield-o-Meter was the first ever grain monitoring device to be fitted to a combine harvester. The Yield-o-Meter accurately measured how many tonnes were being harvested by the combine, as opposed to the traditional weighbridge method. The yield monitoring device allowed farmers to analyse data they previously had to guess. It helped them determine high yielding crops and varieties much more easily. It gave an accurate reading of how much grain they had harvested that minute, hour, day, month and year.
To celebrate our milestone 40th anniversary, we are holding a prize draw with the winner receiving one year free access to Omnia Precision. Omnia Precision is a precision farming system provided by Hutchinsons crop production specialists. It analyses information from a variety of sources, to enable informed decisions to be made across a full range of variable applications.
How to enter & ts and cs
To enter the prize draw, simply complete our website contact form and opt-in to receive Claydon emails. If you already receive our emails you will be entered automatically. To qualify for entry, you must be a farmer or grower on the UK mainland, or be the decision maker for crop establishment with a farming company on the UK mainland. To be entered into the draw, you will need to opt in to Claydon emails by 23 July 2021. No entries after this date will be accepted. The winning ticket is not transferable. The winner will be selected at random and will be announced at the beginning of August.
More about the Omnia Precision prize
As winner of the Claydon 40th Anniversary Prize Draw, you will receive a year’s access to Omnia Precision free of charge. You will have the chance to work with an Omnia specialist to meet your precision agronomy objectives. Omnia is a multi layer analysis tool which analyses information from a variety of sources to enable informed decision making for the full range of variable applications. It enables you and the agronomist to work at sub-field level. It is used to create variable rate nutrient, seed or crop protection plans. Its advanced algorithms are used to calculate the optimum solution for an individual area within the field, irrespective of the number of map layers you wish to include or the different zone shapes. You will be able to either use the service yourself or as part of a bespoke service delivered in conjunction with an Omnia specialist. The service is tailored to meet your specific precision agronomy requirements.
Variable nutrition: with the ability to create sub-field sampling, Omnia can tailor your nutrition application at sub-field level. Omnia can compare historical grid and zonal sampling results with the most recent analysis collected in new management zones or areas of specific interest within a field. Soil samples can be collected yourself, as part of the Omnia service or by a third party and be automatically uploaded into Omnia software.
Variable seed: when trying to determine the appropriate seed rate it’s important to take many factors into account. Omnia allows you to have a different map for soil type, weed pressure, seedbed condition and slug pressure. Omnia is able to combine and analyse all these map layers using Multi-Dimensional Analysis, to create a new hybrid “pattern” that reflects all of the map layers used.
Omnia Precision elements in brief:
• Variable rate prescription plans
• Data exports
• Field performance mapping
• Cost of production mapping
• Fields module
• Map layers module
• Climate module
• Data imports
Good luck with the prize draw!