skyfall wheat after spring oats into chopped straw sown middle of September 175 kg ha. Picture 20/2/2017
Wheat crop, photo taken 13 July 2016.
Wheat crop, photo taken 13 July 2016.
Same wheat crop, photo taken in May 2016.
Wheat crop, photo taken 13 July 2016.
Wheat pictured on 20.11.2015. Drilled in September into heavy cover crop (see video gallery for drilling). The 3m Hybrid performed fantastically without a hint of blocking. The discs macerated the stalks leaving a perfect finish of covered seed and
Wheat pictured on 20.11.2015. Drilled in September into heavy cover crop (see video gallery for drilling). The 3m Hybrid performed fantastically without a hint of blocking. The discs macerated the stalks leaving a perfect finish of covered seed and